Thursday, March 24, 2011

Photo, Caption, and Citation # 3

This picture is of a teenage girl who looks innocent and fragile. In her hand she holds a photo of herself with a black eye.  The picture held close to the face of the girl gives an illusion that she actually looks battered. This photograph could mean that she is either being abused, or has been victimized by her partner. This image could also represent that she has finally gotten out of a bad relationship, and there is a visual image to show what she had been through.  Also it relates to my one my essential question that is which form of abuse is more harmful to a victim: physical or mental abuse.

Respect 2 All. N.d. CBS News. N.p., 3 Dec. 2009. Web. 27 Mar
. 2011. <


  1. Brianna, I love your blog and the symbolic background. I feel this is an issue that people should be aware of. I like the topic that you chose because there are teens around us that could be going through violent relationships. You are giving voice to those teens who are afraid to speak out. Good job!

  2. Brianna your blog is amazing and it really correlates together. Everything that you have in your blog has a purpose and your right teens should really speak out and help people they know that go through this. If you speak out you may be helping someone else. Cassie:)
