- Family Circle Magizine
This quote was written in an articles “When teens Dating Turns Bad" in the famous Family Circle Magazine, and was aired on CBS News. The magazine found a statics that shows that seventy-five percent of parents do not even know that their teens were abuse by their partner. On CBS News, was the executive editor of Family Circle Magazine; Betty S. Wong and Ayza Alvarez; who talked about her experience in an abusive teen dating, in the article. Betty S. Wong explained that a teen entering his/her first relationship can be manipulated, and not think they are being abused. Wrong explained that may think that it is no big deal if their partner is being controlling, possessives, and being aggressive toward them. Wong stated “Love really is blind in your first relationship.” to explain that teens being abused by their partner; however, will tell their parents. Ayza experience the same feeling in her first two relationships, which had started as just being jealous, but then lead to emotional abuse and sexual. Also Ayza did not tell her parents about the abusive, but wished she did from the start. In the article, it gave information on the signs that parents should notice if their teen is in an abusive relationship. There are many hotlines that teens can go to for help the following; National Domestic Violence Hotline, Break the Cycle, and Love Is Not Abuse.
Johnson, Caitlin A. "When Teen Dating Turns Bad." CBS News. com. N.p., 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2011.
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